

A partial definition of communications, according to Dictionary.com, is “the imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs. . . . a document or message imparting news, views, information. . . . the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, telegraph, radio, and television.” Would it surprise you to learn that the League of Women Voters of Tallahassee has used every one of these methods (except telegraph)? And we can add our favorite: email. We hope this website will become a favorite, too. We also use social media and very occasionally, old-fashioned USPS mail.
Here are the parts of this machine and the main operators:
Telephone, 850 309 3005 - Sandra Kendall
Email Contact for LWVTallahassee@gmail.org - Christine Coble
Website - www.lwvtallahassee.org - Deb Berlinger, Erin Edwards, Stuart Baker
Newsletter & other emails - Editor Stuart Baker, Linda Davis
Proofreader - Jan RuBino
Community calendar postings - Phyllis Thomson
Speakers Bureau - Stuart Baker
Media advisories - Linda Davis
FaceBook - Sally Butzin, Linda Davis
YouTube - Teri Cleeland, Stuart Baker
As you can see, it takes a lot of elves to keep this machine running, and we could use a couple more in the workshop. Our greatest need right now is an assistant for Stuart. Ideally, the person would be familiar with Constant Contact (our email service) but that is definitely not required. Stuart is an excellent teacher!
And if social media is your favorite thing, please give us a call or email us. We can provide an opportunity for you to use your skills or learn new ones to help us defend democracy by empowering voters.
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