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League of Women Voters of Tallahassee

Local League Positions


The National and State Leagues develop positions on issues of importance through concurrence or consensus. These positions can be found on the respective internet sites under League Management.  


Occasionally there are issues of local importance that our league studies. Positions are determined through the consensus of the members. Once a position is determined, it stands unless modified or deleted through the same process.  


Charter Government


July 2000, LWVT supports charter governments in Leon County.  We support charter review committees that review charters periodically and that have the power to propose amendments to the charter for direct placement on the ballot at the next general election.  We believe all amendments to the charter should be accomplished by a simple majority vote.  We support “an achievable percentage” of registered voters to bring about citizen petition; we oppose requiring 10% of registered voters from each district for citizen initiatives. We support establishing oversight of constitutional officers.  We oppose allowing county ordinances to supersede city ordinances.


In 2002, Leon County became a charter county; LWVT supported the amendment. We support a non-partisan election of the Supervisory of Elections, city, and county commissioners.


We support fair and equitable representation.


We support the removal of non-judicial functions from the Clerk of the Circuit Court position.

In 2010, both the city and the county appointed charter review committees; LWVT was represented on both committees.


Comprehensive Plan


In 1960-1961, LWVT supports measures in the Tallahassee Comprehensive Plan leading to long range City and County planning.


February 1964, LWVT advocates continued attention be paid to community planning with support of measures that will provide the best long range comprehensive planning for the community.


1979, LWVT commits to actively participating in the Comprehensive Plan decision making process and commits to encouraging citizen input.


We support full implementation of the official comprehensive land use plan.




October 1971, LWVT reaches consensus in support of the consolidation charter.  (Charter failed)


April 1973, LWVT supports the new Charter for Consolidation including changes made by the Charter Commission.  They include:  (1) addition of a Department of Planning (2) procedural change in the recall of elective officials, by increasing the percentage of qualified officials electors who must sign a petition from 10% to 20% (3) accountability for county officials (all officials would be required by the commission to submit “uniform estimates or budgets for the operation of their offices…”) and, (4) taxation rate:  “The commission shall provide and maintain a fair and just differential between the tax levy in city and county”.  (Charter failed)


September 1991, LWVT supports the concept of consolidation if it provides for efficient and accountable government, including support for citizen initiative, referendum, and recall.  Under consolidation, we support:  a reduction of duplication of services; an appointed, qualified administrator with clearly defined lines of authority and responsibility and the power to appoint and fire department heads; coordinated countywide law enforcement; adequate and equitable revenue sources with tax in proportion to service provided. (Charter failed)


LWVT has supported consolidation of city and county governments since 1968.  However, public support has never reached the threshold needed to adopt the consolidation measures on the ballot.  While the two governments have never merged, there has been some functional consolidation in the areas of storm water, growth management, planning, parks and recreation, animal control, fire departments, and a joint dispatch center for emergency services.  LWVT continues to support functional consolidation that provides for efficient and accountable government, that reduces duplication of services, and improves coordination of law enforcement countywide.




July 1994, the LWVT supports a transportation system that protects the environment and neighborhoods and gives incentives for multi-person transit.  To this end, LWVT supports parking limitations, dedicated high occupancy vehicle lanes, Transportation Demand Management strategies such as flextime, telecommuting and ride sharing.  The LWVT agrees that consideration should be given to a light rail system.


The LWVT supports the establishment of a countywide bicycle and pedestrian system of bike lanes, bike paths and sidewalks to facilitate motor-free transportation. The LWVT supports the creation of a balanced transportation system that emphasizes protection of the environment and underscores the need for alternatives to single occupancy vehicles.  Emphasis is placed on accommodating people who cannot or choose not to drive an automobile.


April 2012, the LWVT supports a safer environment for pedestrians and bikers on Tennessee Street. The League supports a reduction in the number of lanes for cars to four, with turn lanes, where the remaining two lanes are designated as bus lanes also available to bicycle traffic that separate pedestrians from fast-moving automobile traffic.  The League supports “Moving Tallahassee: Cars Optional,” the creation of an eighteen-square-mile area in the heart of Tallahassee dedicated to creating a safe environment for pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users.


Last Review: TN 3/1/2024

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