Susan Lunin, PhD
Susan Lunin was born and raised in Hershey Pennsylvania and has lived in Massachusetts, California, Illinois, and North Carolina. She moved to Tallahassee in 2015 to be close to her daughter and family. Susan has a master’s degree in School Psychology and worked in Pitt County Schools, NC until returning to graduate school in Chapel Hill to earn a doctorate in Education Psychology.
Susan retired in 2010 from her profession as a researcher and evaluator of educational programs, primarily for non-profit organizations, such the Research Triangle Institute in NC and the mid-Atlantic regional laboratory, Research for Better Schools, in Philadelphia, PA.
In 2023 she joined the League for the first time. Other than voting regularly Susan has not been politically active. She spent her first year in the Membership assisting the Chair with engagement activities, and also supported the Education Committee’s Get Out The Vote Contest for high school students in Leon County. She also joined the Thursday Book Club. She is looking forward to being more engaged in the Yes on 4 campaign in the upcoming election cycle.
Susan has been an active member of the senior Acting Up Performers with Tallahassee Theatre and with the Tallahassee Civic Chorale. For the past three years she has also been an extra in several Florida State University film school films. In other words, she is a bit of ham.